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How to Stream Nintendo Switch Gameplay - Methods for All Platforms

How to Stream Nintendo Switch Gameplay? – Ultimate Guide

If you are wondering how to stream Nintendo Switch gameplay, then this guide will help you learn the best possible technique. We will show you the exact steps to live stream the Switch gameplay that you can adapt to stream on any platform. So, continue reading till the end.


To stream Nintendo Switch live gameplay, link the capture card to your PC via HDMI, install the OBS software, and configure it. After that, connect to your streaming platform and start the gameplay streaming.

Can you Stream Nintendo Switch Gameplay?

You can stream Nintendo Switch gameplay live over the internet on different platforms including Discord for others to watch in real-time.  Getting started, however, requires some equipment. This includes a capture card to link your Switch to your computer, third-party streaming software, and a stable internet connection.

How to Stream Nintendo Switch Gameplay?

First you must undertake a few general steps, and then you can start streaming Nintendo Switch gameplay to any platform you want. However, before starting with the instructions, we recommend checking if the Switch has any docking issues, or gaming problems, to avoid obstacles in the setup.

1. Choosing Your Streaming Platform

Before you start streaming your Switch gameplay, you will need to decide which platform to use. Each platform has its distinct features and audience demographics. Popular options include:

  • Twitch: Lots of people use Twitch for streaming games. It’s a big site with all kinds of gamers.
  • YouTube: YouTube Gaming is a place where you can both stream games and upload streamed videos of your gameplay. It’s like a big library for gamers.
  • Facebook: The Facebook Gaming community is growing and integrates with Facebook’s social features.
  • Discord: You can stream your Nintendo Switch gameplay to all your friends on Discord and even broadcast to entire channels.
A decorative image showing the avalaible streaming platforms on the Nintendo Switch screen.

Once done deciding, move to the next step!

2. Gather the Needed Equipment

To stream Nintendo Switch gameplay, the following equipment is required:


  • Nintendo Switch console along with a tested HDMI cable.
  • A good quality Capture Card to capture gameplay footage.
  • Access to a PC or laptop to run streaming software (OBS).
  • Optional: A good microphone for your game commentary. 
  • Optional: A cam to personalize the stream with reactions.
If you don't know how to stream Nintendo Switch gameplay, the image is showing all the equipment you need.

Sometimes, your Nintendo Switch mic won’t work, so we recommend getting this intact beforehand!

3. Setting Up Your Capture Card

This step involves connecting your Nintendo Switch to your computer using a capture card. This device records gameplay footage from your Switch and sends it to your computer for streaming. 


Here are the steps to take this:


  1. First, you must position the Nintendo Switch console into it’s working Dock.
  2. Connect your Switch dock to the capture card using an HDMI or USB cable.
  3. Connect the capture card to your computer’s USB port (front or back USBs).
  4. Finally, you must install any necessary drivers/software for your capture card.
A decorative image showing that a capture card is needed.

That’s it. Now move to the next step and install the streaming software!

4. Installing the Streaming Software

A decorative image showing that OBS Studio is needed.

This step requires you to install OBS streaming software on your computer and configure it. Well, this software will let you easily customize your stream layout, add overlays, and manage audio and video sources, enhancing your streaming experience.


To install and configure OBS, follow these steps:


  1. Visit the OBS official website to download OBS Studio.
  2. When ready, go to Settings and set up your settings.
  3. The options include resolution, frame rate, and others.
  4. Once done, click on the + icon under the Sources pane.
  5. Next, you must choose the “Add Video Capture Device.
  6. Next, select “New and name your media source layer.
  7. From the drop-down menu, select your capture card.
  8. Finally, press Okay button to finalize your OBS settings.
You can also add additional elements like your webcam or microphone following the same way. Before jumping to the next step, preview your stream settings within OBS studio to make sure everything looks and sounds good.

How to Stream Nintendo Switch on Discord?

The Discord itself doesn’t directly support capturing gameplay from the Nintendo Switch. It is still possible to accomplish this with a capture card and streaming software using a little setup.

A decorative image showing how to Stream Nintendo Switch gameplay on Discord.

Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide on how to stream Nintendo Switch on Discord:


  1. First you need to position your Nintendo Switch console into its Dock.
  2. Make sure the dock is on and disconnected from any TVs or monitors.
  3. Connect the Switch Dock to the video capture card using an HDMI cable.
  4. Next, connect the capture card to your computer’s USB port (front/back).
  5. Then, install all the necessary drivers or software for your capture card.
  6. Then, you must visit the OBS official website to download the OBS Studio.
  7. Select “Add Video Capture Device” by clicking the “+” icon under Sources.
  8. Select New, name the layer, and choose the capture card from the section.
  9. Open Discord, join the server, and double-click on the speaker icon to join.
  10. From the screen bottom, click “Share Your Screen” button in the channels.
  11. In the Applications tab, choose “Window” and select the OBS Studio window.
  12. Discord will now broadcast the Switch gameplay, captured through the OBS.
  13. Lastly, click the “Go Live” button to start sharing your screen and streaming.
That’s it! You’ve successfully set up and started streaming your Nintendo Switch gameplay on Discord using OBS Studio. Invite friends and enjoy your gaming!

How to Live Stream Nintendo Switch on Twitch?

A decorative image showing how to Stream Nintendo Switch gameplay on Twitch.

Here are the steps to stream your Nintendo Switch gameplay to Twitch:


  1. On your PC, go to Twitch TV and sign into your profile.
  2. If you don’t have a profile create registration.
  3. Select your profile icon, then choose Account Settings.
  4. Clicc Stream Show button under Primary Stream Key.
  5. Press the Copy button to copy the key and go back to OBS.
  6. In OBS Studio, go to File → Settings and then” Streaming.”
  7. Select Twitch and paste the stream key to connect with it.
Once done, click Start Streaming in OBS and head back to the Twitch TV tab. From there, you should be able to see a live preview in the Twitch Stream Manager.

How To Stream Nintendo Switch on YouTube?

A decorative image showing how to Stream Nintendo Switch gameplay on YouTube.
  1. On your PC, go to and sign into your account.
  2. Next, select your profile icon and then access Creator Studio.
  3. Advance by clicking on the Create” in the upper-right corner.
  4. Input all the required information such as title, thumbnail, etc.
  5. Go down to encoder settings and hit reveal on the stream key.
  6. Press the Copy button to copy your key and go back to the OBS.
  7. In OBS Studio, go to the File Settings Streaming section.
  8. Select YouTube, and paste the stream key in the available field
  9. Click Start Streaming on OBS and check YouTube for the stream.
Remember, as you hit the Start Streaming button on OBS, your Switch stream goes live. Therefore, before going live, choose Private beforehand and conduct a test stream to ensure everything is working correctly.

How to stream Nintendo Switch on Facebook?

A decorative image showing how to Stream Nintendo Switch gameplay on Facebook.
  1. On your PC, go to the Facebook Gaming website.
  2. Then, create a page and assign the page a name.
  3. Select Gaming Video Creator under the category.
  4. Click “Create Page” and insert image/cover photo. 
  5. Save the changes and access your Creator Studio.
  6. Choose Create Post and then select the Live Video 
  7. This should launch a new window to run the stream.
  8. Input all the required information such as stream title.
  9. After that, select “Use Stream Key” and copy the key.
  10. Info: You can locate the key under Live Stream Setup.
  11. Once you have copied the stream key, head over to OBS.
  12. In the OBS Studio, choose File Settings Streaming.
  13. Select Facebook Live and insert the key in the section.
  14. Click Apply, and then start streaming in OBS to go live.
That’s it! Your Nintendo Switch gameplay will start live-streaming on Facebook!
If something is now working, we recommend updating your Nintendo Switch to the latest version and solving issues after updating. Then, you can follow the steps over to start the live streaming!

Let’s Recap: How to Stream Nintendo Switch Gameplay?

To stream Nintendo Switch live gameplay, link the capture card to your PC via HDMI, install the OBS software, and configure it. After that, connect to your streaming platform and start the gameplay streaming.

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