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[FIXED] Chained Together Disconnecting From Server (Fix It NOW)

[FIXED] Chained Together Disconnecting From Server (8 Solutions)

Chained Together disconnecting from server on your PC and you’re wondering what to do? We have a solution!


In most cases, a failed server connection occurs due to multiplayer issues, wrong launch options or even ongoing server maintenance.


We will go through a variety of possible solutions to overcome this hurdle and ensure Chained Together runs smoothly!

If Chained Together keeps losing server connection, join a different public session and unload any saved files in-game. If the fault persists, set an alternative launch option for Chained Together, re-sync with the Steam Cloud, and verify your PC’s connection.

Why Chained Together Disconnect from the Server?

Here are the possible reasons why Chained Together keeps disconnecting your PC:


  • There’s a hosting fault with the multiplayer session you’ve joined.
  • You’ve specified an incompatible Chained Together launch option.
  • There’s an issue with the save file you have loaded up in the game.
  • Your computer does not sustain a reliable connection to the internet.
  • There’s a fault with the system files of Chained Together’s directory.
Before proceeding with the guide, make a note of any error or fatal codes that showed up on your screen by the time you got disconnected. Some error codes are accompanied by an informative description of the crash or disconnect, narrowing down the troubleshooting.

Chained Together Disconnecting From Server - [FIX]

Note: Make sure the Steam Overlay feature is set to “Off” within Chained Together’s properties.

1. Check the Chained Together Server Status

Method 1/8

As Chained Together still doesn’t have its own server status page, you can check the current player count through the Chained Together SteamDB page. If there have been any reported outages in the last 24 hours, you will see a sudden spike in the player count table, below the chart statistics.

The image shows how to check the status when Chained Together disconnecting from server.

Note: In case there’s an ongoing hosting issue with Chained Together’s servers, the outage or maintenance would typically last for 2–3 hours before the fault is resolved.

2. Try Joining in a Different Public Session

Method 2/8

A potential hosting fault with the Chained Together public session you’ve joined will be repeatedly disconnecting you from the server and returning you to the lobby. So, the first step is to join a different session from Chained Together’s public list and determine if the server faults will reoccur.


Follow these instructions to check if the server fault is caused by the multiplayer session:


  1. Click the “Play” button from the homepage of Chained Together.
  2. Click on the second “Join a Game” option from the visual menu.
  3. Scroll down and locate a non-private game within the server list.
  4. Wait until you’ve successfully joined a session and test the server.
The image shows how to join a different online session on Chained Toghether.

Tip: You can filter non-private games from the menu on the left of the “Join a Game” menu.

3. Adjust Chained Together Launch Options

Method 3/8

Unlike other games, you will be able to pick from multiple launch options when starting Chained Together through Steam. You can specify whether to launch the game under DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 conditions, based on your PC and the game’s performance.


You will be able to pick from the following Chained Together launch options:


  • Option #1: Launch Chained Together
  • Option #2: Launch Chained Together (DirectX 11) – Use for Improved Performance Issues
  • Option #3: Launch Chained Together (DirectX 12)

Tip: It is strongly advised to attempt each launch option, but checking the “Always use this option” box requires reinstalling the game to pick again.

4. Unload Any Save Files From the Session

Method 4/8

If Chained Together keeps disconnecting you from a loaded save file, there could be corruption or an inconsistency with the file’s data structure. It would be recommended to either load up a brand new session and start from scratch to determine if the disconnects will re-occur.


Here’s how to unload any saved files from Chained Together:


  1. Click the “Play” button from the game’s homepage.
  2. Next, click the first “Host a Game” option at the top.
  3. Optional: Set a password so no other players join.
  4. Give your session a name and specify the settings.
  5. Click “Create Session” in order to start a new game.
The image shows how to unload saved files in Chained Together.

A corrupted save file may even cause the game to crash or even cause issues with the input devices. If you’re no longer getting disconnected after hosting a new game, it is recommended to uninstall all of the existing Chained Together save files.

Note: It is also recommended to verify Chained Together’s game files after unloading potentially corrupted save files!

5. Re-Sync Chained Together's Steam Cloud

Method 5/8

A potential sync issue between Chained Together and the Steam Cloud could be preventing you from joining any online or co-op games. The connection between your installed games and the Steam Cloud is essential for storing your in-game progress and playing online.


Follow these steps to re-sync Chained Together with the Steam Cloud:


  1. Right-click on Chained Together’s tile from the “Library” list.
  2. Open the “Properties” tab and ensure “General” is selected.
  3. Uncheck “Keep games saves in the Steam Cloud for Chained Together.”
  4. Exit Chained Together’s properties and restart the Steam launcher.
  5. After 20–30 seconds, access the properties and re-enable the feature.
The image shows how to re-sync the game with the Steam Cloud when Chained Together disconnecting from server.

Alert: Ensure you’ve exited Chained Together and saved all of your progress before disabling the Steam Cloud connection.

6. Verify your Computer’s Internet Connection

Method 6/8

There’s a strong possibility that the repeated losses of connection within Chained Together could be caused by an unstable or dropping internet connection. The next step is to validate your PC’s connection to the network and ensure the internet speed covers the minimum requirements.

6.1 How to Inspect Wi-Fi Computer Connection?

  1. Navigate to the desktop of your Windows PC.
  2. Click the Wi-Fi icon on the right of the taskbar.
  3. Click the arrow button to extend the networks.
  4. Look for a “Connected” status next to your Wi-Fi.
The image shows how to inspect your wireless connection.

6.2 How to Inspect Ethernet Computer Connection?

  1. Open the Windows “Settings” menu and go to “Network & Internet.”
  2. Check if there’s a “Connected” status under the “Network” section.
  3. Click on the surface of the menu to expand the connection settings.
The image shows how to inpsect your wired connection.

Some easy methods to troubleshoot Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection include:


  • Reconnect the PC from the Wi-Fi network or the Ethernet cable.
  • Perform a power cycle on the network router and the modem unit.
  • Run a connection test at to check the network speed.
  • Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) for additional assistance.

Pro Tip: If using Wi-Fi, test your computer’s connection on a mobile hotspot!

7. Reconnect Your Steam from the Web Servers

Method 7/8

There could be a fault in the connection between your Steam launcher and the web servers syncing all of your online credentials and in-game progress. If so, you will be unable to access any of your Steam’s online or multiplayer games, until the web server connection is restored successfully.


Follow these instructions to reconnect the Steam launcher from the web servers:


  1. Open the Steam launcher and click the Steam logo at the upper-left.
  2. Click the “Go Offline…” button from the menu and wait for 5 seconds.
  3. After 20–30 seconds, extend the same menu and select “Go Online…
  4. Check if there will be connection issues while playing Chained Together.
The image shows how to reconnect from the Steam serviers when Chained Together disconnecting from server.

Note: Any in-game progress or actions to your profile will not be saved while in “Offline” mode.

8. Cleanly Reinstall the Chained Together Files

Method 8/8

The repeated connection losses could be because of an unstable file integrity of Chained Together.

 The ultimate solution is to cleanly reinstall the game through the Steam launcher to potentially re-add missing files from the directory and eliminate server connection errors.


Here’s how to reinstall Chained Together on your PC:


  1. First, open Steam, navigate to “Library” and find Chained Together in the list.
  2. Right-click the game’s tile and hover over the “Manage” button at the bottom.
  3. Click on “Uninstall” and confirm the uninstallation of Chained Together’s files.
  4. Next, wait until the game is successfully uninstalled and press on “Download.”
The image shows how to reinstall Chained Together from Steam.

Alert: Any unsaved in-game progress will be erased after the uninstallation!

Wrapping Up:

After a thorough overview of what causes the Chained Together disconnecting, some of the most effective solutions include joining a different public session, re-syncing with the Steam Cloud, and specifying a different launch condition.


If the fault persists, check if there’s a temporary server outage with Chained Together and cleanly reinstall the game’s directory.

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